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L'Oustaou du Luberon
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poppie della primavera
© Alain Hocquel
Campi di lavanda la provenienza
© Ph Magoni
Canoë et kayak
© Oustaou du Luberon
© Oustaou du Luberon
Il villaggio di Cucuron e il suo bacino
© Oustaou du Luberon
Molti posti di nuoto
© Oustaou du Luberon
Lavanda e papaveri
© Oustaou du Luberon
Laghi e stagni nelle vicinanze
© Oustaou du Luberon
L'Oustaou du Luberon
L'Oustaou du Luberon

Tempo libero e attività intorno

Vacanze in famiglia © Oustaou du Luberon

What to do with children ...

Avignon, Luberon, Mont-Ventoux… So many destinations to enjoy and live to the rhythm of Provence. Land of culture but also a vast playground for lovers of outdoor activities, Vaucluse offers various facets for moments of family sharing.


Living the life of the Romans:

Centurion, legionary, tribune or even emperor… what role will you play when visiting the Romans of Vaucluse? Can you answer the riddles scattered around the corners of the Ancient Theater of Orange? Will you be able to find traces of the Romans in the ancient sites of Vaison-la-Romaine ? Follow in the footsteps of these ancestors to better understand their lifestyles and their daily lives.

Spend a day at the circus

Alexis Gruss and his national circus have set up their marquee, stables and workshops in Piolenc, not far from Orange, for more than 10 years. Since then, from May to September, the park welcomes every day, young and old for a day closer to clowns, jugglerstrapeze artists and especially horse riders. Indeed, the Gruss family, heir to the equestrian tradition, develops its circus art around horses. They are also part of several scenes of the show not to be missed every summer evening.

Dancing on the Avignon bridge

 "On the Avignon bridge, we dance there, we dance there ..." You have certainly hummed it before, come and bring this song to life by walking on this bridge which is now world famous. Then continue your way to the Palais des Papes, a legacy of a time when the Popes left Rome to settle in Avignon. Opt for the visit "The Palace told to young and old" for a family discovery of this imposing monument.

Rent from the station master at the Jarditrain

Rekindle your childhood dream by accompanying your little ones to the Jarditrain, where you will find a whole miniature railway network, organized around 650m of rails, decorated with a decor of natural plantations, models of villages and of course mini stations managing the switches and the comings and goings of the trains which contemplate more than 500 figurines.
Here, not far from the Mont-Ventoux, you will see how a little boy's dream came true.

Immerse yourself in color

Welcome to the land of red, orange and yellow, in the ochres of the Luberon !

During a stroll in the ocher quarries of Roussillon or during a workshop at OKHRA, ocher and color conservatory in Roussillon, learn to distinguish and master the nuances of this material which has been coloring facades for decades. surrounding houses.

Become a perfect little gardener

Unique place in Europe, the Epicurium is a living museum of fruits and vegetables. Inside, the museography invites you to smell, touch and understand the world of fruits and vegetables.
Outside, visit the orchards and its hundreds of fruit trees that you can see blooming or producing their fruit according to the seasons.
You will also find a beehive there to better understand the role of bees in the pollination process.

Discover the world of insects

Arm yourself with a magnifying glass and a butterfly net and conquer the world of our insect friends. Like the famous naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre, take the time to observe and study these small animals which guarantee the balance of our environment. Gather as much information as possible in the aisles of the permanent exhibition, take part in a workshop or a naturalist outing.

Bathing in lakes and bodies of water

The little pleasures of summers in Provence are also those afternoons spent at the edge of a lake or a body of water to splash around, pedal boat or canoe-kayak ... No less than 8 supervised swimming spots in the open air share the Vaucluse. Note, Monteux Lake, opened in 2013, located in an eco-district and which offers many family activities: swimming of course but also pedal boat, paddle, fitness area, zip line. In July, extend your evening by the lake by attending the “EQI” show, a multimedia equestrian show with Frédéric Pignon and Magali Delgado.

Marvel at performing arts festivals throughout the year

Vaucluse is a big scene ! Festivals and shows follow one another throughout the year. It all started in January, with Cheval Passion and the Manes of Gold. Magic ! Acrobatics, equestrian choreographies amaze with their daring, their light.

In the spring, “Festo Pitcho” and “Cité Nez Clown”, theater, dance, mime and clown festivals for young and old take over Avignon which is transformed into a theater, with creations that awaken the acrobat who slumber in you! Summer and its festivals, the ideal season to go see a show of dance, theater, song, humor, from Avignon to Ventoux via the Luberon, with many programs for all ages and all tastes.

Our suggestions: the festivals "Plein les mirettes" in Carpentras and théâtr'Enfants with their programs dedicated to children (from 3 years old for certain dates), as well as "Fonts'Art" in Pernes-les-Fontaines - one of the most major street arts festivals - with its magical and free shows !

Take a walk in the Cedars forest

For a cool stroll in the shade of hundred-year-old trees, choose the Cedar forest in Bonnieux in the Luberon. There, a 10-kilometer path and cycle path allow you to take a deep breath of fresh air while admiring an atypical landscape in Provence.

By Hélène and Stéphanie

Hélène ABRY and Stéphanie MAISONNAVE have found within ADT Vaucluse Tourisme the ideal way to share their passion for Provence, its people, its way of life and its landscapes. Find all the essentials of Vaucluse here and here too


escursioni in famiglia in Provenza © Oustaou du Luberon

30 escursioni a Luberon da fare

Scopri le nostre idee per escursioni nel Luberon. Camminare: grande o piccola escursione, GR, passeggiata, percorso, sentiero, sentiero, passeggiata, passeggiata. Livello facile, medio e difficile. Scarica il tuo giro.

In avanti! Cammina! Gli specialisti sono formali, camminare è bene per la salute, quindi non privarsi. Camminare protegge il corpo e rafforza la mente a tutte le età. O-xy-gé-en-naso! .

Soprattutto poiché il Luberon Côté Sud è pronto a praticare attività all’aria aperta a piedi, sia per avvicinarsi alla natura, scoprire una curiosità culturale e patrimoniale, o semplicemente per trascorrere te stesso, vi proponiamo alcune idee di trekking, brevi passeggiate e accessibili a tutti, ideali per un pomeriggio in famiglia, coppia o amici.

villaggio arroccato in Provenza © Oustaou du Luberon

Scopri i famosi villaggi arroccati

Il Luberon è una regione della Provenza nota per i suoi allineamenti di lavanda blu in primavera.Abbiamo avuto l'opportunità di andare al Luberon con i bambini per le vacanze di Tutti i Santi: la regione è altrettanto attraente e piena di colori.Durante la nostra settimana di vacanza in famiglia nel Luberon, siamo andati all'assalto dei villaggi arroccati sormontati dal loro castello o chiesa. Abbiamo apprezzato passeggiando nei vicoli acciottolati, lungo vecchi edifici in pietra coperti da edera incandescente. Siamo stati in grado di scoprire la superba ocra di Roussillon e Rustrel soprannominata giustamente il Colorado provenzale. Abbiamo avuto anche l'opportunità

escursionismo vittoria santa © Oustaou du Luberon

Cammina sulla Santa Vittoria in Famiglia

Niente di meglio che godersi le nostre belle giornate per fare escursioni con i bambini! In primavera e in autunno, la luce è bella, le temperature sono miti e permettono di camminare senza soffrire di caldo o freddo. Inoltre, i massicci sono diventati nuovamente accessibili qualunque sia il tempo; la destinazione è Montagne Sainte-Victoire.

Abbiamo l'imbarazzo della scelta sul nostro modo di avvicinarci. Per noi, la famiglia, abbiamo bisogno di un’escursione piuttosto facile, senza troppa elevazione (teniamo l’escursione al Croix de Provence

La Rotonde ©

Un giorno di famiglia ad Aix en Provence

Questa volta passeggeremo per Aix-en-Provence. Obiettivo: risveglio culturale per i bambini! Nessun shopping nonostante tutte le tentazioni offerte dalle vetrine dei tanti negozi della città: torneremo ad esso tra le fidanzate!

Sausset port © sausset

The Blue Coast by train

To enjoy those beautiful summer days, we decided to explore the wonderful landscapes on the Blue coast train. We chose to embark in Miramas, in order to begin from the landward side and arrive on the seaward side ! It was a beautiful discovery of our natural heritage ... and in the freshness ! This day adds a nice getaway with all those proposed by the Oustaou of Luberon !

Saintes Maries de la Mer © Oustaou du Luberon

Une Journée en Famille aux Saintes Maries de la Mer

On  nous emmène aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-mer. Nous avons souhaité découvrir le village dans la quiétude de l’hiver et profiter pleinement des nombreuses ressources touristiques et culturelles dont il dispose ! A cette saison, ces ressources sont avant tout issues du patrimoine naturel incroyable de la Camargue. Aussi, avant de partir, nous vous conseillons de prévoir des jumelles dans vos bagages …

Lourmarin © Oustaou du Luberon

A day through the Regional Park of Luberon

We offer a circuit starting with : The village of Lourmarin and its castle, built in the fifteenth century and enlarged in the Renaissance.

Then by the path of "Les gorges d'Aigue Brun", where we cross the Luberon mountain, to arrive at the village of Bonnieux and discover from its ramparts, an exceptional view over the Calavon valley .Far away the villages of Gordes and Roussillon, hung on the Vaucluse mounts, are the next steps.

After lunch in Gordes, discovery of this beautiful village, which has welcomed numerous artists such as Vasarely painter and the photographer Willy Ronis. Then the Abbey of Sénanque : the lavender cultivated fields around offer a remarkable contrast with the Cistercian style. The abbey was built in the twelfth century. It is of a great sobriety, now classified Historic Monument.

A guided tour will allow you to discover the cloister and the church.
the "bories" in dry stone construction, rustic shelters for shepherds, are part of the Luberon countryside.

The Roussillon Village is  built on the top of a hill whose lands have been exploited for their ochers. These ancient quarries have shaped a fantastic landscape with striking colors, routes have been built there.

Our day in the Luberon will concludes on these beautiful colors.

muceum marseille © Oustaou du Luberon

A family day in Marseille

We continue our adventures : This time, we go to Marseille to discover all the news around the Old Port. New whose the impetus was given by Marseille Provence 2013. We are very curious to discover all, especially since Marseille won in 2014 the Family Plus label, proof of the motivation of the city to host families.

filming film nel luberon © Oustaou du Luberon

In the footsteps of films made in the Luberon

By the beauty of its landscapes and its villages, the Luberon has always attracted producers and film or television directors.
Luberon does not count the countless stories that have chosen as place. Without being exhaustive, may be made mainly of films from the works of Marcel Pagnol's "Manon des Sources" and "Jean de Florette" (Vaugines, Mirabeau, Ansouis ...) and the beautiful natural landscapes in "My father's glory" and "My mother's castle".

L'Oustaou du Luberon
La Tuilière 84530 Villelaure
+33.(0) ❖ oustaouduluberon@gmail.comLegal notice
Immersion en Provence, Créateur de séjours

Cécile REYNIER & Michel VINCENS , N° siret 390 152 056 00037 - La Tuilière 84530 Villelaure
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